In business, the small details make a big difference.

Hovton Holdings Investment - DEMVEN FARMS LTD


Demven Farms Limited was incorporated in 2015 as a private limited liability company to engage in the business of large-scale Hatchery and Pullet production.

With its temperature-controlled incubator facilities, Demven farms hatches day-old chicks from fertile eggs produced at its breeding facilities. Utilizing chicks from its hatchery, Demven Farms raises pullets from Day 1-18 weeks of age when the birds reach their ready to lay maturity period and is able to deliver fully grown birds to customers through its pullet - hauling delivery vans.

Hovton Holdings Investment Ltd.


Hovton Investment Limited (HIL); a subsidiary of Hovton Holdings Corporation Canada, was established as a vehicle for fostering and enabling opportunities for Infrastructure Development in Africa.

Through our financial and technical partners, HIL provides up to 85% project financing for large-scale Infrastructure Development Projects as well as Project Delivery / Execution (EPCM - Engineering, Procurement, Construction & Management) services to the Public Sector on a Build, Operate & Transfer (BOT) operational model.

Our areas of interest include; Greenfield and Brownfield Projects** such as Power & Electricity (generation, transmission, solar), Housing, Mines, Seaports, Airports & Petroleum Refining Infrastructures.

Hovton Holdings - Hovkeys image


Hovkeys is an Automotive Locksmith Supplies and Training company established by a team of experienced entrepreneurs and automotive locksmiths to meet the needs of local and international industry players such as locksmiths, automotive dealerships, repossession companies, auto-finance and leasing companies.

Hovkeys prides itself as the most reliable wholesale automotive locksmith supplier in the country especially with its rapid satisfied customer base.

Potential to be a global leader in a long-term growth Industry.

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